Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kahon ng Sapatos (Christmas Shoe Box)

Nakakatuwang isipin na sa kabila ng kaguluhan ng mundo, laganap na kasamaan at mabilis na takbo ng teknolohiya ay nananaig pa rin ang kabutihan. Tingin-tingin lang, maraming mga sangay ng pamahalaang lokal or mga "foundations" ang may mga gawaing simple pero alam natin na magdadala ng saya.

Pasko na naman...mahirap ang buhay. Pero kahit papaano, may tayo ay nakakaraos.

Naisip nila ang mga bata sa Africa ngayong Pasko...paano kaya sila?

Isang kahon ng sapatos,

laman ay lapis at kwaderno,

suklay at sipilyo para gwapo,

isang berdeng polo,

at isang "teddy bear"

na dati ay yakap ng anak ko.

Sa Paskong darating, ibang bata ang yayakap kay Teddy. Sabi ng anak ko, "That's my Teddy?". "Yes, it WAS."

Charity begins at home.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Unexpected blessing through unexpected experience

Sunday, 17th of October. We just came home from church. As usual, when parked, I turned off the engine.

My son, Ken, said out loud.."Wait, mommy. Listen." whilst pointing to the player. We were listening to Sandi Patti's "Willing to Wait" when I turned off the engine. I obliged to the request and turned the ignition on again. I thought he just wanted to finish this song. When he saw that I was to touch the car key again, he said, "Wait!!". Ah, I got it, he was waiting for the next song.

No problem. I sat there and listened with Ken. As the intro music came through, I saw Ken (in the rear view mirror), lifting his arms up, and said "C'mon, do this..". Without much thinking, I joined him in lifting arms, swaying with the music.

Until it struck me...the song's title is " I lift my Hands to You".

As the melody progressed and Sandi's voice came in, I heard Ken singing the words as best he could. Some were inaudible for he cannot pronounce them all correctly yet, but he knows the tune. As I saw him enjoying and immersed with the singing, a thought made me wonder if he could (deeply) understand the words of this praise song.

I sat back, sang with him and Sandi, as the lyrics came back to my memory, I felt a quickening in my spirit. I felt the Lord's presence. The Lord is here with us, basking in the innocent praise being offered by Ken. My tears flowed, and my heart was overwhelmed with joy.

"My watchman, my keeper

Whose eyes are ever on me

I wander, You find me

And rescue me from danger

My blessed Redeemer

Spared not Your Son to save me

You cleanse me and crown me

With great love and compassion".

The song has stopped, yet my heart is still full of joy from this short and unexpected experience.

Then the word of the Lord came, Romans 10:11 "Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed."

I was still in tears when I led him out of the car, "What's the matter, mommy?" I could only hug him as I thanked God for the encounter.

Someday, he will read through my notes/blogs to find the answer.


When I was pregnant with Ken, I constantly played this CD on my player for hours. I listened during my long hours of bus rides. I listened at night until I fell asleep and sometimes wake up with the headset still on my ears. I listened whilst reading. I just listened and listened to this CD endlessly. I even placed the headset on my tummy, hoping he will hear the song clear enough.

He listened to other CDs too (whilst in my tummy). I'll write about them, maybe next time. ;)

Friday, October 8, 2010

My God is Big!

On my lazy-boy chair whilst fiddling with my laptop, a classmate of long ago asked about my boy. Again, memories flashed back before we had our Kendrich.

Alain and I got acquainted in a local christian church in Makati. 'Twas a whirlwind romance; he courted me for three months and six months after formalising our relationship, have decided to wed in a civil ceremony. Of course, not everyone is happy. Most were surprised and kept querying if I'm pregnant. I do felt nobody believed whenever we answered "No" and I had those eyes following me and my tummy to bulge anytime or sooner.

But four years had passed and the tummy did not bulge. I just feel numb whenever someone will come to me and ask, "is there a bun in the oven (may laman na ba)?" Oftentimes, i just wish that the earth will open wide and engulf the person in front of me. Mustering a smile, and a negative headshake, I move away and hoped not to bump to anyone with the same question. It is not a matter of being concern by some, more likely to be curious or plainly insensitive. I hope they just keep their mouth shut and MYOB (mind their own business).

Alain doesn't worry if we have a child or not. It made my life easier to cruise.

However, the big question didn't go away.

We've decided to have a thorough check. He went first; the results were fine. My turn and the result was devastating. The OB-gyne said that I cannot bear a child due to endometriosis. I went for a second opinion, third, and fourth. From one specialist to another; I even had the specialists to well known personalities and the answers came back the same. It was deafening and heart-wrenching.

An operation is required but the chance of having a baby is very, very small even nil. The cost of the operation is equivalent to buying a brand new car.

One night in June 2004, Alain and I talked about it, with all our hearts. We agreed to pray, one last time, for this item. In my heart I told God, "This will be the last time I will ask for a baby; and after tonight's prayer, I will not raise the request again and will totally accept His will for us".

Alain laid his hand on my tummy, "Dear God, if you are willing, please open Aileen's womb. We want a healthy baby boy." We cried with relief.

For the next month, I engaged in strenuous exercise to keep my mind busy and my body healthy. I actually have set the item aside. I played badminton 30 hours per week; 6-8 hours per day! I developed a passion for the sport that there is no stopping me going to court whenever I don't have work! (You see, i used to lecture 2x a week, which leaves me plenty of time to play!).

I also became competitive, joining local competitions and winning. It was badminton, badminton, badminton. Alain also picked up the sports and became my playing partner.

Came August 2004, as I preparing to finish the day, I noticed my stock of feminine napkin. It occurred to me that they were untouched and un-opened. I just shrugged the thought, "maybe I just lost count...yeah, I think I had my period last month..that's it."

However, the question didn't go away.

I rushed to the pharmacy the next day and bought a pregnancy test kit. "C'mon, girl, are you making a fool of yourself?" I proceeded with the home test anyway. Moment of truth, "I am a good sport." convincing myself.

There was two purple lines.

Was I ecstatic? No. I rushed back to the pharmacy and bought another home test pack. I planned to do the test again when Alain comes home from work.

And again, there was two purple lines.

We both felt surreal. It was unbelievable. We went to a different OB the following day to have a sonogram.

And Lo! There were 2 tiny balls in my tummy. The doctor said that the other one is the tumour that is feeding on my "eggs" and blood. She was explaining some more; but I could barely understand her anymore. I am pregnant!

But the tumor poses danger to the may "eat" it and not survive. Quickly, Dra. Martinez gave me doses of injections and oral medications for the next 4 weeks. I need to be checked weekly for the progress.

Week after week, I saw the tumor receding in size and my baby growing. By the time he reached the 6 months, the tumor was gone and only my boy in my uterus! My boy is a fighter!

April 2005, I gave birth to my baby boy, Kendrich Moses Daya. Kendrich meaning "Jehovah has remembered"; and Moses for the patriarch.

The question has been answered; God is a miracle worker. He is bigger than any other health issues like infertility. To God be the Glory!

Araluen Botanic Garden in Roleystone

I am a big fan of gardens. I love the refreshing atmosphere the environment brings. Different flowers and their varieties are amazingly fragrant and colorful! I am so thankful that my husband share my enthusiasm to go garden-hopping whenever possible. He knew my passion for taking pictures and scenic views. Flowers, animals, plants and trees are beautiful subjects. You don't need to direct them, their natural beauty exudes without effort.

I am grateful to the volunteers (not only in this garden but also in other gardens), who take time off in beautification and caring the environments. We salute you.
