Sunday, October 16, 2011


I read this quote: " The problem with guys is that they pretend they love you even when they don't." Hmm, sounds sour.

Then it was followed by, "The problem with girls is they pretend they don't care even when they do." Well, the latter is, of course, self-punishing.

The problem with both gender? They assume too much.

Guys don't pretend they love you, they won't. If they do love you, they will tell you , "I love you". Otherwise, they are just really enjoying your "friendship" or your company. The girl just "assume" that he hangs around simply he is having difficulty admitting his feelings. Uh-uh..not the case. Guys could always muster "courage" to say the three-magical words, if they do feel it. So girls, if he is not "verbalising", do not assume and fall into the trap of "Ok, I'll-wait- and-give-him-the-chance-to-say-it.." until..forever?!. Alright, give him some time but not a lifetime.

On the other side of caring, pretending not to care even if you do, is all set for martyrdom. Can you believe a lying self? Can someone lie to oneself? Wasting valuable feeling is waste of time and energy. It should be reciprocated, if not, then learn how to un-learn the feeling. Focus on another hobby, focus on goals, focus on other matter that will generate something beneficial rather than sulking for something that not is existing.

Alright, somehow, we've passed through this "puppy" stage of make-believe; but there is life and reality to wake up with. Do a favor, do not be a big joke to yourself.

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